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Manufacturing Specification

Task to complete:

This is an updated version of your original Specification. Highlight any changes and why these have been made. Link it to where in your folder you made these decisions. You will also need to make reference to relevant quality control checks during manufacture and manufacturing processes.

Teacher Instruction:


Watch the following tutorial where you will be talked through what you need to do


  • Ensure, as a minimum you have covered all the points suggested.

  • Avoid repetition

  • Justify the points through evidence from your research.

  • Ensure you have included reference to the manufacture of the product.

GAP Attainment:

Use the following table to understand what potential grade of work you will produce. Try to aim for the top grade!

GREEN- Grades D-E

You will have written a specification. You will use general, non-specific points, explain the points and justified some of them using research findings.

AMBER- Grades B-C

You will have written a detailed specification. You will use specific points, explain the points and also justified some of them using research findings.

PINK- Grades A*-A

You will have written a detailed specification. You will use specific points, explain the points and also justify them using research findings.

Additional Resources:

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