Task to complete:
State what you hope to learn from the questionnaire, who you will be interviewing, why they are important and then show the questions you will ask. Then show your results and say what you have learnt from the questionnaire. Showing the results as graphs will help.
Teacher Instruction:

Watch the following tutorial where you will be talked through what you need to do
Make sure you identify who you will be interviewing and why
Make sure your questions relate back to the key points of your design problem
Make sure your questionnaire will allow you to show what people want.
Give a choice of possible answers to make showing results and analysing them easier.
GAP Attainment:
Use the following table to understand what potential grade of work you will produce. Try to aim for the top grade!
GREEN- Grades D-E
You will have written a mix of relevant and generalised questions and answers. You will have presented all the results and evaluated using generalised comments.
AMBER- Grades B-C
You will have written a mix of relevant and generalised questions and answers. You will have presented all the results and evaluated in detail each set.
PINK- Grades A*-A
You will have written a range of relevant questions and answers. You will have presented all the results and evaluated in detail each set.
Additional Resources: