Product Analysis
Task to complete:
Identify a range of existing products that are either directly related to our problem area or could be of influence to your future design work. For each one show a photograph and describe in detail the features and how the design works. Summaries each product by stating what features could be used to influence your own design ideas.
Teacher Instruction:
Watch the following tutorial where you will be talked through what you need to do
For the product discuss: Function, materials, size, aesthetics, ergonomic factors, market and user requirements, safety and materials.
Make sure the product is related directly or indirectly to your project
Avoid repetition (looking at very similar products)
Find out as much as you can about the product including how it is made and assembled
GAP Attainment:
Use the following table to understand what potential grade of work you will produce. Try to aim for the top grade!
GREEN- Grades D-E
Your product analysis will look at 2 products and will use secondary sources. You will have analysed in looking at general/obvious positives and negatives. You will not have written a conclusion.
AMBER- Grades B-C
Your product analysis will look at 2 products and will use secondary sources. You will have analysed in depth looking at positives and negatives. You will have concluded pointing out what information to use in your own designs.
PINK- Grades A*-A
Your product analysis will look at a range of products and will use mostly primary sources. You will have analysed in depth looking at positives and negatives. You will have concluded pointing out what information to use in your own designs.