Problem Areas
Task to complete:
For each of your situations you must now detail problems which arise within it. these problems are not about redeveloping products, but are about where a product is needed to make things easier. These problems need to be listed and described in detail- what is the problem! Each situation needs a minimum of 3 problems describing. Finally, from the 9 problems areas you have selected choose one and write a justification for its selection.
Teacher Instruction:

Watch the following tutorial where you will be talked through what you need to do
Ensure you have a minimum of 3 problem per situation.
Ensure that your problems do not only focus on existing products within that situation. You can discuss products but problems should not just be aimed at them.
When describing the problem link it to how it affects the user.
Finally write a conclusion stating which of the 9 problems you have identified you would like to take forward as your project. Remember to explain why this is a better problem to use than the other 8!
GAP Attainment:
Use the following table to understand what potential grade of work you will produce. Try to aim for the top grade!
GREEN- Grades D-E
You will have identified one or two problems within each situation. They may be similar or not be problems that would require a solution.
AMBER- Grades B-C
You will have identified 3 clear problems within each situation and given a general overview of the problem. You will have written a conclusion.
PINK- Grades A*-A
You will have identified 3 clear problems within each situation. You will have explained each of these in detail and written a conclusion identifying your chosen problem(s).
Additional Resources: